Sunday, November 30, 2008

Starting simple.

Seneng juga udah punya blog baru.
Hari ini niatnya ikut Ayah ke pengajian Brunswick bulanan yg dilanjutkan dengan Family Fun Day yg diorganise YIMSA. Tapi apa daya, bangun siang dan banyak sekali yg belum beres dirumah. Start jam 10, sarapan, nyuci tahap satu, rapiin kamar, main2 sebentar sama Khadija, nyuci tahap dua, mandi, eh tiba2 udah jam 1. Kata Ayah acaranya bubar jam 3. Ditawarin Mayada dan Erick bareng, tapi car seat Khadija kebawa Ayah. Mau gambling aja pake car seat Aidan ,and Aidan pake seat belt kyk orang gede, ngeri distop polisi ah. Ribet ribet ribeeet kan jadinya kalo kesiangan begini, hahaha.

Udah jam 6 lewat dan Khadija masih bobo dari terakhir feeding jam 3. Mau dimandiin nih, kapan mau bangun, sayang???

Friday, November 28, 2008

In the making of a self-content self.

Khadija lagi bobo. Ayahnya blm pulang shalat Jumat. Perfect time to write a line or two.

As you know, all of the writings have been removed from my old blog. And I decided to start a new one. It's sad really. I feel awkward or embarrassed to be precise, going through each of my 'simple' stories that finally I made them removed. And now, I regret it.

The thought of having a fresh start just refreshing! I want a fresh start. I want to be a different person. With a different mindset. A different personality. A better version of me. Guess it has nothing to do with closing down your blog ya, haha.

Not sure if there's anyone out here who shares what I feel but I found that many of the technology-facilitated social networking tools have made my life a bit on the hunt. I visited his blog, read her comments, viewed their pictures, guessed her plans, witnessed his achievements, and looked back to the woman standing in front of the mirror and she sighed. I want more.

It should be normal to be inspired by others. But there should be some way to distinguish between inspiration and intimidation. Oh I wish I could break away from such a feeling, and just be a self-content self.