Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Chosen One.

Tiba2 teringat satu cerita lucu dan agak malu2in tentang promo "The Chosen One" nya KrispyKreme. Jadi ceritanya waktu Oskar datang berlibur dari Canberra, suatu pagi Ayah membawa tiga eksemplar harian The Age pulang dari kantornya Nick CS. Tiga eksemplar!!! There must be sumthing special, indeed, ada stiker di tiap2 copy paper hari itu yg intinya tiap stiker bisa ditukar dgn 1 box KrispyKreme, gratis! No catch whatsoever, we read the details on the sticker and we felt safe.

Dengan hati gembira kita jalan2 sama Oom Oskar ke city naik free tourist bus dan spend time lihat2 toko2 yg baru buka di Harbour Town, Waterfront City sampai akhirnya kita tersadar kalau koran2 tadi pagi tertinggal dirumah! Oh no...promonya hanya berlaku satu hari ini pula...

Perjuangan oh perjuangan, kita pun pulang ke rumah utk mengambil koran2 itu, it's a 20-30 min of travel time by tram btw, jadi kegambar deh betapa niatnya kita. And we went all the way back to the city with the car this time utk menjemput donat2 kecintaan kita. Sebelum pulang ke rumah, kita sempatkan mampir ke salah satu counter KK utk menanyakan what time do they close, niat abiiiis...

Eng ing eng..sampai didepan kasir, we show the shop assistant all three papers in our hand..dan she just peeled off the stickers to show us that it actually said in the back of those three bloody stickers: after purchasing 2 box of KK. Mau marah dan buang muka deh rasanya...malu...hahaha.Oh well dari pada kuciwa, akhirnya kita beli juga 1 box demi menghilangkan hasrat yg sudah membumbung tinggi dari pagi tadi... plus, yah ngilangin tengsin juga kali yah...hahaha.

Lesson learnt: teliti sebelum haha hihi!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time really flies.

Alhamdulillah Khadija udah mau 6 bulan. Bener2 nggak terasa ya, rasanya baru kemarin kita pulang ke rumah, didatengi midwife2 dari Royal Women's Hospital, temen2 rame menjenguk ke Errol Avenue, eh tau2 Khadija is starting solid in 3 days!

Khadija belum bisa duduk without support, semoga nggak lama lagi bisa ya. Dia udah bisa bolak balik sendiri tapi hanya disaat2 kritis aja, misalnya marah karena ditinggal jadi nyariin kita sambil muter2 gitu. Oia, itu dia progressnya yg lain, Khadija bisa merasakan kehadiran kita sekarang. Kalau ngeliat kita melangkah membelakangi atau menjauhi dia, mulai deh tangisan ehek ehek nya keluar, lucu banget.

Speaking of lucu banget, sering deh kita bertanya2, apa karena Khadija anak sendiri ya kita suka ngerasa lucunya dia diluar ekspektasi? Jadi kalaupun dia nggak selucu sekarang, tetep aja kita ngerasa dia lucu, hahaha. Self-absorbed parents.

Minggu lalu kita berhasil juga dateng ke Baby and Kids Market di Camberwell Centre. Aduh ngantri aja lho masuknya, ngantrinya panjang sampai gedungnya pun nggak keliatan dari tempat kita ngantri. Disana dijual baby stuff pre-loved alias second hand yg masih oke punya, asal pinter milihnya. I even spotted one girl skirt sold for $20 bcos it was a Guess skirt, halah cape deh. Mostly sih priced between $2-10 lah. Kita akhirnya beli playpen buat Khadija. Online harganya $69-120, kita dapet $65, not bad at all, semoga sih kepake.

I guess that's all for this week's update (what happen with previous weeks?). Will catch up if there's time.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tragedi telur balado

Ada satu cerita yang kita nggak akan dan nggak pengen lupa, wherever life will take us to in the future. Nah, sebelum lupa, I think it's a good idea to write about it here.
Alkisah, tersebutlah seorang istri yang belum pernah menjajal kemahirannya memasak untuk suami barunya - 7 bulan baru nggak ya, hehehe. They were together for the first five months but then separated (and got married in the first place for that matter) because AusAID policy won't let student and her/his family to come altogether to Barbie land until the student settles with accommodation and study matters more importantly.

When the husband is finally making the trip to join the wife, wife was pretty much handling things with a lot of trial and error, minus check and balances, if you know what I mean. So she cooked "TELUR BALADO". A no-brainer dish, that was supposed to save her day or two from the question "Masak apa ya hari ini?"

And guess what, the dish that was prepared for at least 4 meal got ditched at first glance. Husband does not like TELOR BALADO (forgive wife, she FORGOT to ask), so wife can finish it, said husband. Hahahaha. Put simply, wife tried so hard to finish a big bowl of perfectly egg-round eggs all by her self, with no mercy from husband. Imagine how many days she spent to do that! Husband is a simple 2x2 man, what he likes he likes (sausage, nugget that is), what he doesn't don't even think about it!

Take care, Oma Jo!

Pagi ini Oma Jokebet is flying back to her homeland, which happens to be ours to. She's shared the house with us for about 3 months or so, and it's been colorful. Dari cerita dia takut sama hantu yg menunggui kamar originalnya, sampai kisah2 tripnya yang bisa dihitung dengan jari itu, hehehe. Oma Jo memang one of kind.

Tiada disangka, Oma meneteskan air mata saat pamit pagi ini. Dia mengucapkan terima kasih sekaligus mohon maaf. She feels that we've done so much for her that thanking us doesn't quite describe her feelings. Hmmm... gak nyangka. I honestly felt that I was cruel sometimes to her, especially when she started talking about her friends' inappropriate behavior or similar things like that. I hate when people talk behind their friends' back. So much for a friend, I think.

O well, the point is, house is all ours again. And it felt weird. This two-bedroom unit has always been a home for us - and another guest or guests to share it with. Like that time when we just moved in, the next day Aga arrived from Jakarta. Three weeks later, Mama Papa came. When Mama left on October, Oma Jo arrived 3 days prior. It's going to be very quite for some time, and it will surely be quite from the infamous phrase "Selamat pagi...."