Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tragedi telur balado

Ada satu cerita yang kita nggak akan dan nggak pengen lupa, wherever life will take us to in the future. Nah, sebelum lupa, I think it's a good idea to write about it here.
Alkisah, tersebutlah seorang istri yang belum pernah menjajal kemahirannya memasak untuk suami barunya - 7 bulan baru nggak ya, hehehe. They were together for the first five months but then separated (and got married in the first place for that matter) because AusAID policy won't let student and her/his family to come altogether to Barbie land until the student settles with accommodation and study matters more importantly.

When the husband is finally making the trip to join the wife, wife was pretty much handling things with a lot of trial and error, minus check and balances, if you know what I mean. So she cooked "TELUR BALADO". A no-brainer dish, that was supposed to save her day or two from the question "Masak apa ya hari ini?"

And guess what, the dish that was prepared for at least 4 meal got ditched at first glance. Husband does not like TELOR BALADO (forgive wife, she FORGOT to ask), so wife can finish it, said husband. Hahahaha. Put simply, wife tried so hard to finish a big bowl of perfectly egg-round eggs all by her self, with no mercy from husband. Imagine how many days she spent to do that! Husband is a simple 2x2 man, what he likes he likes (sausage, nugget that is), what he doesn't don't even think about it!

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