Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tourist bullying

Yesterday Ayah picked up Uncle Oskar Vitriano at Melbourne airport, yes, he's in town for a short holiday before going home for good. He's finished his master's degree in public policy (majoring in dime digging, haha) and have planned to use his last days in the country to visit neighboring states, such as New South Wales (where Sydney is) and Victoria (THE place to be, as you know it already), and...that's pretty much it.

So today we take him for a sight seeing around the city center. We wanted to go to Ballarat-Sovereign Hill initially, but it's going to be raining today so no further discussion on that, the place will be so damp and since it's a semi outdoor activity, there's no fun in it anymore if it's raining.

We headed for Flinders station first, St Paul's cathedral, and on we went ended up in the famous arcade where Koko Black is located. It was almost 6pm and the shops were already closed, but the arcade was so much of an art that we wanted Uncle Oskar to have a picture there. We took positions and I was looking for a steady ground to put my camera so we can have a picture using the automatic feature.All of a sudden, a friendly man offered to take the pic for us. At first I thought, oh another nice stranger. We said okay and gave him a little instruction on what we wanted to see as the background for the pic...first try it was really shaky, so I honestly said to him that we wanted another one becos the first one was blurry. Some strangers actually care about the result and willing to re-do if we're not satisfied. Apparently this is not the case this time, bcos Mr Stranger Man had this strange look when I asked him the second time. Obviously he took the pic again for us involuntarily, bcos it was still blurry! Oh well. Omar whispered, this man helped us becos he wanted to lock the building, he's the SECURITY! LOL. No wonder why he offered the help, he wanted all of us fly off the scene ASAP! LOL. And we just gave up and decided to just be content by the pics we could take home that day. Don't mess with him, LOL.

The moral of the story I guess is to always pay attention to your surrounding, not everyone is a genuine helper, lol. And perhaps...just beware of tourist bullies!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dedicated to Khadija and Mama

Alhamdulillah. It's official!
The result for this semester is out. Best grades ever!
Having a baby doesn't stop a woman from accomplishing other goals, a mother can have a life outside home too, you know, hehe.
This one is for you, baby Khadija, for giving me the strength, the courage and the wisdom to announce: motherhood doesn't include DULLNESS. This also goes to Mama, for your tremendous support in nappy changing, nappy washing, late night rocking, etc. Hehe, a mother's love is indeed everlasting.
All and all, let me say it: PhD, here I come! ;)

Here's a quote from the learning and management system GET MY RESULT page:

This semester's result would be the last five subjects, excluding International Marketing Management. Yippeee

Friday, December 12, 2008

Cloudy Friday

We spent Thursday by having a picnic at the State Library's lawn yesterday. And since we were pretty much tired, today is just perfect for a day at home, cooking and watching tv. Omar has even found the best way to kill the time, by vacuuming, haha.

I cooked ayam kecap, the recipe hung on the fridge when Mama was still here, and I just thought it's time to create my own version of ayam kecap, still based on the recipe, if you know what I mean.

Khadija is getting more and more menggemaskan each day, as Oma Jokebet used to say, and she just fell asleep (again!) chaos-less! Lucuuuunya.

Barusan dia melek, dan tangannya menabrak toy bar yg tergantung dibaby rockernya.. almost cried, but managed to return to sleep...masih ngantuk kali yeee..

Just a couple of days ago, I caught her sleeping next to me, like an adult! Sebenernya sih, setelah feeding, Ibun lupa mindahin Khadija to her corner, duuuh..haha. And it deserves a little photograph..

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My day starts at 11am!

As the exam is over, I am basically a free woman, haha.
Enak juga ya liburan tetap digaji oleh AusAID. Liburannya pun nggak tanggung2 lamanya yaitu 3 bulan, resminya it starts from December up to February 09. But in my case, it started on Nov, 19.

An ordinary day usually starts with feeding Khadija at 5am, and then she goes back to sleep. Aku subuh dan tidur lagi. Omar berangkat ngoran pagi. Kira2 jam 9, Khadija kebangun lagi and it's time for another feed, and another sleep. Biasanya bakal kedengeran suara2 piring Ayah sarapan cereal, karena Ayah sudah pulang jam 7-8. Hanya sekali2 lebih telat kalau ternyata ada koran yg tersesat atau krn isi amplop dari Nick nggak sesuai number of days worked, atau kalau ada special "occasion" like that one time waktu mobil Rival mengalami insiden.

Kepinginnya sih, jam 9 ini aku bisa bangun dan mulai beraktivitas. Tapi beberapa hari terakhir kok setelah feeding jam 9 mata masih terasa berat, akhirnya tidur lagi sampai jam 11, sampai Khadija lapar lagi and this one should be followed by play time. Nggak enaknya bangun jam 11 siang adalah terlalu dekat dgn waktu makan siang. Jadi kadang masak pun terburu2, apalagi kalau Khadija sedang ingin ditemani ngobrol2. Kedua, I missed the Sunrise show, morning show on Channel 7, yg isi beritanya variatif, dari yg serius sampai gosip2 Hollywood pun dibahas, hahaha. Tapi hari ini berbeda, Khadija anteng aku ajak nonton All for Kids at 11 sampai jam 12.30 dia nggak rewel, hmmmm... Ibun pun merasa bersalah nggak ngajak ngobrol2, ternyata pas disamperin ngobrol2nya cuma sebentar karena Khadija udah mulai ngantuk. Teorinya, kalau ngantuk begini dia bisa langsung ditidurin, karena kita udah ajarin Khadija jadi independent sleeper. Tapi karena terakhir feeding itu jam 9an, baiknya disusuin aja deh biar tidurnya jg gampang dan panjang. Eee eh.. baru sebentar nyusu, matanya udah tertutup dan bibirnya mencibir nggak mau makan lagi..hehehe.

Si Ayah jg masih tidur dari tadi pagi ngoran dan sarapan (ada mangkuk bekas cereal di dekat laptop). Semalam badannya nggak enak. Kemarin ada shift di DHL dan katanya he had to skip lunch krn sibuk bgt. Akibatnya masuk angin deh Ayah. Pulang2 aja setelah makan bekalnya langsung tidur sampai hampir jam 10. Bangun minta teh manis baru mau makan. Sempat muntah juga tapi untung nggak banyak. Sebelum tidur badannya dilumuri balsem dan pijit2 sedikit dari Ibun.

Lanjut ke jadwal Khadija, biasanya setelah tidur jam 1 dia akan bangun jam 2, terus play time sampai jam 4. Lapar lagi, comes another feed. Main lagi sampai jam 6 lalu mulai terlihat ngantuk lagi. Makan lagi, ternyata masih mau main. She can stay up sampai jam 8 malam dan biasanya ngantuk yg ini ngantuk betulan. I put her to sleep at 9, dan biasanya bangun jam 2 pagi. Pengennya sih setelah 3 bulan Khadija bisa sleep through the night. Jadi triknya adalah make the last feeding as late as 11pm, supaya dia hanya bangun subuh aja. Tapi seringnya, dia tidur jam 9, dan akunya nggak tega bangunin jam 11 karena pules banget. Akhirnya, antara jam 1-3 pasti bangun sekali for a night feed, trus bangun selanjutnya kira2 subuh deh...bagus ya sayang, biar Ibun nggak kesiangan muluk subuhnya...hihihihi

Monday, December 1, 2008

Khadija is officially an infant!

Setelah berumur 3 bulan, bayi naik kelas dari kategori newborn menjadi infant. Alhamdulillah she's doing great so far. Benar kata orang2, 3 bulan pertama is the toughest! But for me, sebenernya semua udah terasa lebih ringan semenjak kuliah berakhir sih, hehehe.
This is Khadija celebrating her 3rd month of life...

Hari sabtu lalu anak2 kelas English for Academic Purposes (EAP) di Jakarta dulu, rombongan APS 6W2 lebih tepatnya, had a rendezvous with Hilary, who brought along her partner, Steve. Senang jg karena bisa melepas kangen and update berita2, terutama seputar kepulangan sebagian besar personel 6W2. Hanya tersisa 2 di Melben: aku dan Reika di Monash.

Hilary sempat bertanya tentang rencana PhDku dan setengah berseloroh dia bilang "and you'll have another baby while doing your PhD, hahaha. i told you not to have any while studying..." And I just replied, "no, I want one. I want to be able to go shopping with my teenage daughter one day.." maksudnya kalo ketunda punya anaknya takut2 umur gue ketuaan to have fun together with my kids. Jangan sampe Hilary menyangka Omar yang insist on having kids here while I'm studying, hahaha. Dan lega juga bisa sedikit bercerita kalau justru aku berhasil dapat H1 untuk salah satu subject semester ini, which is just wonderful, considering how chaotic my life has been.

Okay, here's a pic a pic of the APS6W2 gank, in front of the our fave Indonesian resto ever - Nelayan, haha.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Starting simple.

Seneng juga udah punya blog baru.
Hari ini niatnya ikut Ayah ke pengajian Brunswick bulanan yg dilanjutkan dengan Family Fun Day yg diorganise YIMSA. Tapi apa daya, bangun siang dan banyak sekali yg belum beres dirumah. Start jam 10, sarapan, nyuci tahap satu, rapiin kamar, main2 sebentar sama Khadija, nyuci tahap dua, mandi, eh tiba2 udah jam 1. Kata Ayah acaranya bubar jam 3. Ditawarin Mayada dan Erick bareng, tapi car seat Khadija kebawa Ayah. Mau gambling aja pake car seat Aidan ,and Aidan pake seat belt kyk orang gede, ngeri distop polisi ah. Ribet ribet ribeeet kan jadinya kalo kesiangan begini, hahaha.

Udah jam 6 lewat dan Khadija masih bobo dari terakhir feeding jam 3. Mau dimandiin nih, kapan mau bangun, sayang???

Friday, November 28, 2008

In the making of a self-content self.

Khadija lagi bobo. Ayahnya blm pulang shalat Jumat. Perfect time to write a line or two.

As you know, all of the writings have been removed from my old blog. And I decided to start a new one. It's sad really. I feel awkward or embarrassed to be precise, going through each of my 'simple' stories that finally I made them removed. And now, I regret it.

The thought of having a fresh start just refreshing! I want a fresh start. I want to be a different person. With a different mindset. A different personality. A better version of me. Guess it has nothing to do with closing down your blog ya, haha.

Not sure if there's anyone out here who shares what I feel but I found that many of the technology-facilitated social networking tools have made my life a bit on the hunt. I visited his blog, read her comments, viewed their pictures, guessed her plans, witnessed his achievements, and looked back to the woman standing in front of the mirror and she sighed. I want more.

It should be normal to be inspired by others. But there should be some way to distinguish between inspiration and intimidation. Oh I wish I could break away from such a feeling, and just be a self-content self.